All too often, I run into folks who lament one or more bad tattoos (usually their first). Like anything else, if you haven't really thought about what you're doing, it can end up being a line item on that list of regrets we all end up with. Want to avoid having to add this particular brain-fart?
Upon making the decision to get a tattoo, most people end up with one or more bad tattoos because they simply wanted to get it over with. A typical scenario is for someone to just walk into the nearest tattoo studio, pick something out from one of their catalogs or posters and either get it done right then and there or make the appointment without a lot of thought to the design or the consequences of placement.
That's okay for some peeps...I am not knocking their choices, cuz that might be right for them. But for ME, and anyone else seeking some originality?
Hey this is IMPORTANT...and worth your patience, thoughtfulness and sense of creativity. You owe itself to NOT end up with any bad tattoos!
All I am saying is to make sure you consider what you're doing. While the devil on one shoulder might be urging you to just go for it, the angel on the other counsels you to just think about what you're doing first. Really, what's the rush?
Buyers BEWARE! These pre-drawn and often generic tattoo designs – which have been replicated on thousands of bodies – are called “Tattoo Flash” and are displayed to entice first-timers and walk-ins to just get'er done!
Want to know a sentence that is music to the ears of a super-busy Tattoo Artist? “I’ll take that one over there...I've seen that before!” FLASH!!! A design the artist (along with countless others) has likely drawn or redrawn and inked so many times before (with the stencil outline already handy)...they could do it in their sleep!
Bottom line, if you want something cool and original...DON'T GO THERE!
Sadly, we don't always get to (or choose to) stay with our lovers and spouses.
Things change...people change...your tattoo WILL NOT change (unless of course you change it with a tattoo cover or removal).
As pointed out on the Show Your Tattoo Love page, you will (likely) always love your parents, siblings and children...not necessarily true when it comes to significant others!
FACT: Most failed tattoos (and those leading to removal and cover ups) are the product of failed relationships. Buyers (in this case "Lovers") beware!
It's understandable to want to spend the least amount of money for any kind of work, but when it comes to this I would advise you to resist the temptation to get away with a bargain tattoo artist. This is a BAD IDEA that results in bad tattoos...and most people live to regret it.
Oh, and letting a friend or relative do your tattoo for free or cheap? This is a BIG MISTAKE! Don't do it!
As you will see, I do encourage some negotiation later on in the process, but you want to find the best talent for what you want (disregarding the price for now)...and then worry about the numbers later if needed.
Even if they managed to have an original design made into their tattoo, there are still potential problems with poor planning. Here are some examples at (the aptly named site) WTF Tattoos.
People often come to regret getting their tattoo when they realize that it isn't really what they wanted, because:
Consider your CLOTHES and your HAIR...
Like the style of our clothing and the way we wear (or shave) our hair, tattoos tell people something about US.
Unlike our clothing and hair, tattoos cannot simply be replaced, cut or colored suicide blond whenever we feel like it.
Tattoos are PERMANENT…but of course, there are some pricey ways to fix them if you decide that you just can’t live with them any longer...
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